
If Only – Cafe/Restaurant Review

Heya peeps, Just wanted to share a recent experience my partner and I had at “If Only” café in Kuala Lumpur during our brunch-time café hopping adventure. Address: Ground floor, Regal House, 1, Jalan U Thant, Taman U Thant, 55000…

Solo Trip From KL to Tokyo

Sup Ningen, Trip planning was a breeze, thanks to countless hours of research and preparation. Armed with a small backpack stuffed to the brim with essentials – from camera gear to medications, and of course, the all-important passport – I…

Karangan Ambang Kedewasaan Belia Malaysia

Karangan Ambang Kedewasaan Belia Malaysia Dewasa ini, masyarakat masih pesimis terhadap golongan belia. Mat Rempit, bohsia, remaja lari dari rumah dan kes pembuangan bayi selalu dipaparkan dalam media perdana. Dalam rentetan pendedahan negatif ini, muncul beberapa kelompok belia yang menampakkan…

Welcome to Zhdmeh

My personal thoughts, Story, Architecture and daily Adventure with my partner.

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